3. Research, Innovation and Extension
- 3.1.2 The Institution provides seed money to its teachers for research
- 3.1.3 Average Percentage of teachers awarded national/ international fellowship / Financial support for advanced studies/collaborative research / conference participation in Indian and Overseas Institutions during the last five years
- 3.1.4 Number of JRFs, SRFs, Post Doctoral Fellows, Research Associates and other research fellows in the university enrolled during the last five years
- 3.1.5 University has the following facilities*
- 3.1.6 Percentage of departments with recognition by ICMR-CAR, DST-FIST, DBT, MCI, DCI, PCI, AICTE, AYUSH, NACO, WHO, NIH etc. and other similar recognitions by national and international agencies, (excluding mandatory recognitions by Regulatory Councils for UG /PG programmes)
- 3.2.1 Grants for research projects /clinical trials sponsored by nongovernment sources such as industry, corporate houses,international bodies, endowments, professional associations, endowment-Chairs etc., in the Institution during the last five years
- 3.2.2 Grants for research projects/clinical research project sponsored by the government funding agencies during the last five years
- 3.2.3 Ratio of research projects/clinical trials per teacher funded by government/industries and non-government agencies during the last five years
- 3.3.3 Number of awards / recognitions received for innovation / discoveries by the Institution/teachers/research scholars/students from recognized bodies during the last five years
- 3.3.4 Number of start-ups incubated on campus during the last five years
- 3.4.1 TheInstitutionhasa stated Code of Ethics for research, the implementation of which is ensured
- 3.4.2 The Institution provides incentives for teachers who receive state,national or internationalrecognitions/awards
- 3.4.3 Number of Patents/ Copyrights published/awarded/technologytransferred during the last five years
- 3.4.4 Average number of Ph.D/ DM/ M Ch/ PG Degree in the respective disciplines awarded per recognized PG teacher* of the Institution during the last five years
- 3.4.5 Average Number of research papers per teacher in the approved list of Journals in Scopus / Web of Science/ PubMed during the last five calendar years
- 3.4.6 Average Number of research papers per teacher in the approved list of Journals notified in UGC-CARE list during the last five calendar years
- 3.4.7 Total Number of books/ chapters in edited volumes and papers in National/International conference-proceedings published per teacher and indexed in Scopus/Web of Science/ PubMed UGC-CARE list during the last five calendar years
- 3.4.8 Bibliometric of the publications during the last five calendar years based on average Citation Index in Scopus/ Web of Science
- 3.4.9 Provide Scopus/ Web of Science – h-index of the Institution for the last 5 calendar years.
- 3.5.2 Revenue generated from advisory / R&D consultancy projects(exclude Patients consultancy) including Clinical trials during the last five years
- 3.6.1 Extension* and outreach activities* such as community Health Education, Community health camps, Tele-conferences, Tele-Medicine consultancy etc., are conducted in collaboration with industry,Government and non- GovernmentOrganisations engagingNSS/NCC/Red cross/YRC, Institutional clubs etc., during the last five years
- 3.6.2 Average percentage of students participating in extension and outreach activities beyond the curricular requirement as stated at 3.6.1
- 3.7.1 Average Number of Collaborative activities for research, faculty exchange, student exchange/ Industry-internship etc.., per year
- 3.7.2 Presence of functional MoUs with Institutions/ industries in India and abroad for academic, clinical training / internship, on-the-job training, project work, student / faculty exchange, collaborative research programmes etc., during the last five years